Stories and Testimonies

"One of the criteria that motivated me to send in a song was that it had to be Christ-centered. Our churches need songs that lift our eyes off ourselves unto Christ, so that we can worship Him in Spirit and in truth. I believe that there are a lot of believers who are able to write these songs, but producing a song is too complicated or expensive for most song-writers. Worldwide Worship Studio helps people from the church to produce good-quality songs for the church. Through that, the songs are native to the culture and the church gets to hear and sing new worship songs that would remain hidden otherwise. To me, old hymns are also hidden songs sometimes, because young people can't connect with the way they are sung. Maybe in the future, Worldwide Worship Studio can help people to rediscover these beautiful lyrics. I am praying that many more hidden songs can be produced, so that we get to sing to the LORD a new song - because He is worthy of our praise."

- Bettina Rose (Germany)

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